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Proteome Discoverer

eagle-i ID


Resource Type

  1. Software


  1. Resource Description
    "Thermo Scientific* Proteome Discoverer software is a flexible, expandable platform for the analysis of qualitative and quantitative proteomics data. Outstanding sensitivity and the rapid growth of public databases have made mass spectrometry the primary method of identifying proteins in complex biological samples. While database search algorithms such as SEQUEST* and MASCOT* have existed for over a decade to facilitate the identification of proteins from mass spectral data, the field of proteomics continues to expand and with it the need for more advanced and flexible software tools to interpret the data. Proteome Discoverer was designed to address this need for flexibility by offering a wide array of bio-software tools and customizable workflows for every proteomics experiment."
  2. Manufacturer
    Thermo Fisher Scientific
  3. Used by
    Proteomics Laboratory
  4. Version
  5. Website(s)
  6. Related Technique
    Protein identification
  7. Software license
    Proprietary commercial software license
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The eagle-i Consortium is supported by NIH Grant #5U24RR029825-02 / Copyright 2016