eagle-i Morehouse School of MedicineMorehouse School of Medicine
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Office of Technology Transfer, Morehouse School of Medicine

eagle-i ID


Resource Type

  1. Technology Transfer Office


  1. Resource Description
    "Morehouse School of Medicine’s strong emphasis on strengthening primary care, promoting prevention and early detection, and working to reduce and eliminate health disparities has made the institution a unique academic medical center in the United States – and the world. The biotechnologies developed by MSM researchers are targeted to prevent, diagnose and treat chronic diseases like HIV/AIDS and other infectious diseases, cancer, cardiovascular disease, metabolic and neurological disorders. Technology transfer will continue to be an important process for creating new and existing research and development efforts as well as a driving force for national and regional economic development."
  2. Contact
    Harris-Hooker, Sandra, Ph.D.
  3. Website(s)
  4. Director
    Harris-Hooker, Sandra, Ph.D.
Provenance Metadata About This Resource Record
  1. workflow owner
  2. workflow state
  3. contributor
  4. created
  5. creator
  6. modified
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