eagle-i Morehouse School of MedicineMorehouse School of Medicine
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Functional Genomics Core Laboratory

eagle-i ID


Resource Type

  1. Core Laboratory


  1. Resource Description
    The Morehouse School of Medicine Functional Genomics Core is an RCMI funded core that provides fee-based microarray ‘-OMICS’ services for research investigators using glass slide technology platforms. We are an Agilent Certified Core facility and a member of the Association of Biomolecular Research Core Facilities (ABRF) worldwide. Specifically we provide assistance, or full services, from RNA isolation to scanning hybridized microarrays and raw data extraction. In conjunction with the RCMI Bioinformatics Core, we provide full services in the analyses of ‘-omics’ datasets. We support all microarray products from Agilent as well as any other array company that utilizes uncoated glass slide technologies. We also provide consultative services for custom microarray design.
  2. has add access
    sgarneradm (Solomon Garner)
  3. has remove access
    sgarneradm (Solomon Garner)
  4. Contact
    Leander-Griffith, Michelle V.
  5. Affiliation
    Gene Profiling Core
  6. Website(s)
  7. Director
    Emmett, Neremiah
Provenance Metadata About This Resource Record
  1. workflow state
  2. contributor
    wroth (William Roth)
  3. created
  4. creator
    ppullen (Paula Pullen)
  5. modified
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