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Biological Manipulation Core

eagle-i ID


Resource Type

  1. Core Laboratory


  1. Resource Description
    The Biological Manipulation Core offers model systems for manipulation and analysis of gene expression. Laboratories within this core include: A. Microvesicle Lab This Lab offers technical expertise in isolation and purification of Microvesicles, and in their analysis. This includes expertise in Microvesicle isolation and analysis. Further, this group has developed technology that allows targeted Loading of proteins into micro-vesicles. Microparticles are a very hot current topic, and this biotechnology has cross research focus area potential for both research and therapeutic uses in AIDS/ID, Cancer/Reproduction, Cardiovascular/Metabolic, and Neuroscience. This research area at MSM was originally funded through the HIV group, but quickly was turned into a collaborative, transdisciplinary funded research project through the RCMI T1 ARRA Project which brought together diverse researchers from AIDS/ID, Cancer, Cardiovascular/Metabolic focus areas together into a interacting group. This research area can be a collaborative, transdiciplinary research driver at MSM and across the RTRN. B. Stem Cell Lab The Stem Cell Lab offers consultative service to investigators interested in adult or embryonic stem cell research including induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) from human and various animals. In addition, the lab offers technical expertise for investigators interested in generating preliminary data for grant application or who are funded to perform stem cell work and who can provide reagents. This includes deriving and growing stem cells from bone marrow, adipose tissue, and umbilical cord, growing commercially available adult embryonic stem cells and iPSCs, reprogramming adult tissue cells into pluripotent cells, and differentiating stem cells into various lineages. The lab is constantly developing new techniques that will benefit the research community. Currently, the focus is on establishing techniques for genome editing in iPSCs with the goal of generating human models of human genetic diseases for translation research. C. Zebrafish Lab The Zebrafish Lab offers the combination of low cost, rapid in vivo analysis and complex vertebrate biology. Zebrafish are closer to humans evolutionarily than yeast or insects or worms and experiments are faster and less costly than those using mice. This model system supports research in many research areas, including molecular genetics of cardiac development, heart disease, neurogenetics, cell signaling pathways, and genetics of cancer prevention, and is an excellent teaching tool to support research training programs. The Zebrafish Lab will provide consultative and fee for services to basic, translational and clinical investigators; for example, animal husbandry, embryo DNA microinjection, generation of transgenic models, morpholino knockdown, in vivo chemical screening strategies, and other custom services, as needed. All services are charged on an hour-by-hour consultation basis. For more information, please contact the core leader directly.
  2. Affiliation
    Zebrafish Biology Core Facility
  3. Affiliation
    Microvesicle Core Laboratory Facility
  4. Affiliation
    Stem Cell Core Laboratory
Provenance Metadata About This Resource Record
  1. workflow state
  2. contributor
    wroth (William Roth)
  3. created
  4. creator
    sgarneradm (Solomon Garner)
  5. modified
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