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Pamela Daniels, MPH, MBA, PhD.

eagle-i ID


Resource Type

  1. Person


  1. Resource Description
    Dr. Daniels is an epidemiologist/sociologist with expertise in study design and methodology, statistical analysis (both qualitative and quantitative), survey development, focus group facilitation, GIS, community engagement, program evaluation, and community intervention planning and implementation. Her primary research interests are in how preexisting social vectors (i.e., race, class, and gender) intersect to increase health disparities in minority populations and the effectiveness of motivational interviewing to reduce the incidence and prevalence of chronic disease; improve health outcomes; promote health behavioral change, and increase health literacy.
  2. First Name
  3. Last Name
  4. Title
    Epidemiologist, CRC
  5. Website(s)
Provenance Metadata About This Resource Record
  1. workflow state
  2. contributor
    wroth (William Roth)
  3. created
  4. creator
    wroth (William Roth)
  5. modified
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The eagle-i Consortium is supported by NIH Grant #5U24RR029825-02 / Copyright 2016