eagle-i Morehouse School of MedicineMorehouse School of Medicine
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Gene Variation Core Laboratory

Director: Song, Qing, MD, Ph.D.


The Human Genotyping Lab assists investigators to apply the genomic technologies to population-based research. The strategic plan is to create a link between basic science, clinical investigation and population-based research by integrating genomic sciences into our research program. The central hypothesis is that health disparities are related in part to ethnicity-specific DNA variants in critical genes that influence the susceptibility to common diseases. Morehouse School of Medicine has a longstanding interest on the studies of ethnic disparities and a longstanding strength on community outreach to underserved minority populations. Accordingly, the major objective of the MSM Human Genome Core Laboratory is to enhance the research capacity on these sample cohorts and upgrade our research to the molecular genetic level based on cutting-edge genomic technologies.





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Last updated: 2011-05-02T12:37:41.303-05:00

Copyright © 2016 by the President and Fellows of Harvard College
The eagle-i Consortium is supported by NIH Grant #5U24RR029825-02 / Copyright 2016