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J. Hibbert Laboratory


Dr. Hibbert’s primary research focus is nutritional implications of altered metabolism in sickle cell disease (SCD). Dr. Hibbert’s research projects include: protein, energy and hemoglobin metabolism in stable SCD patients; relationship of metabolic alterations, nutritional status and immune response in SCD; potential health benefits of nutritional supplements in SCD patients and transgenic mouse model; genetic modifiers of SCD severity focusing on pathways for energy and protein metabolism and proinflammatory factors, using stored human plasma and DNA; temporal changes of proinflammatory markers in tissues and effect of L-arginine supplement using the SCD transgenic mouse. Dr. Hibbert collaborates with Dr. Stiles, Dr. Gee and Dr. Newman at MSM and with colleagues at Emory University and Medical College of Georgia.


Organisms and Viruses

  • Berkeley knockout model ( Mus musculus )

    Berkeley knockout model is a complete knockout of murine alpha and beta globins followed by insertion of a transgene containing human alpha, beta, A gamma, G gamma globins.

  • Townes mouse model ( Mus musculus )

    Sickle cell disease (SCD) is the result of a change in the amino acid composition (mutation) of one or both beta hemoglobin genes. These are transgenic mice that have a knockin of all the human globin genes.

Research Opportunities

  • Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Hemoglobinopathy ( Research Opportunity )

    Consists of a minimum of two years working with clinical and/or animal protocols. Methods include stable isotopes, protein analysis, energy expenditure and body composition.

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Last updated: 2014-05-13T10:29:11.791-05:00

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The eagle-i Consortium is supported by NIH Grant #5U24RR029825-02 / Copyright 2016