eagle-i Morehouse School of MedicineMorehouse School of Medicine
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Study Design, Biostatistics, and Data Management Core (SDBDMC)

eagle-i ID


Resource Type

  1. Core Laboratory


  1. Resource Description
    The specific objectives of the Study Design, Biostatistics, and Data Management Core are: 1: To provide consultation in study conceptualization and design, sampling, and sample size planning, statistical analyses planning, statistical analyses methodologies, and epidemiologic principles and methods. 2: To provide biostatistical analysis and data analytical support 3: To provide technical support and consultation in data collection methods, data entry, processing, and management. 4: To provide database administration support in creating and managing databases as shared resources Services provided by the SDBDMC include: Power and sample size calculations, Statistical analysis, Proposal development, Program evaluation, Evaluation plan development, Manuscript preparation, Study design, Survey development, Methodology development, Focus group moderation, Qualitative analysis, Data collection form development, and Database development and management. We have streamlined the assistance request process by developing a web-based research assistance request form. The automated process captures more specifically the type of requests by faculty, staff, and students and allows these "customers" throughout MSM's campus and off site locations easier access the SDBDMC. Click the website link below for assistance.
  2. Contact
    Pamela Daniels, MPH, MBA, PhD.
  3. Affiliation
    Research Center for Clinical and Translational Sciences (R-CENTER)
  4. Website(s)
  5. Website(s)
  6. Director
    Robert M. Mayberry, MS, MPH, Ph.D.
  7. Secondary affiliation
    Research Centers in Minority Institutions (RCMI), Morehouse School Of Medicine
  8. Other members
    Wonsuk Yoo, PhD.
  9. Other members
    Fengxia Yan, MD, MS.
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