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Gene Profiling Core


The RCMI Gene Profiling Core provides a variety of services related to analysis of gene expression, which includes genome and transcriptome analysis. Laboratories in the Gene Profiling Core include Functional Genomics, Gene Variation and DNA Sequencing labs.

The DNA Sequencing Lab provides both DNA sequence and fragment analysis of a variety of DNA templates, including genomic DNA, PCR amplicons and plasmid or cosmid constructs. The lab uses capillary electrophoresis sequencing technology and is built around the ABI 3130xl Gene Analyzer (16-capillary) and associated software for DNA sequence analysis.

The Functional Genomics Lab provides microarray services for research investigators using glass slide technology platforms. We are an Agilent Certified Core facility and a member of the Association of Biomolecular Research Core Facilities (ABRF). Specifically we provide assistance, or full services, from RNA isolation to scanning hybridized microarrays and raw data extraction. In conjunction with the Biomedical Informatics Unit (BIU) at MSM, we provide full services in the analyses of ‘-omics’ datasets. We support all microarray products from Agilent as well as any other array company that utilizes uncoated glass slide technologies. We also provide consultative services for custom microarray design.

The Gene Variation Core Lab assists investigators in application of genomic technologies to population-based research. The strategic plan is to create a link between basic science, clinical investigation and population-based research. The central hypothesis is that health disparities are related in part to ethnicity-specific DNA variants in critical genes that influence the susceptibility to common diseases. Accordingly, the major objective of the lab is to enhance health disparities research capacity at the molecular genetic level based on cutting-edge genomic technologies.

For more information about Gene Profiling Core services contact the individuals listed here or click on the links to the affiliated labs.

Nerimiah Emmett. PhD
Functional Genomics Core Leader
Medical Education Building C-346
Morehouse School of Medicine
720 Westview Drive
Atlanta, GA 30310-1495
Telephone 404-752-1679

William Roth, PhD
DNA Sequencing Core Leader
Hugh Gloster B-315C
Morehouse School of Medicine
720 Westview Drive
Atlanta, GA 30310-1495
Telephone 404-752-1947

Qing Song, PhD
Gene Variation Core Leader
Research Wing D-203
720 Westview Drive
Atlanta, GA 30310
Telephone 404-752-1845


Last updated: 2014-04-25T13:24:15.019-05:00

Copyright © 2016 by the President and Fellows of Harvard College
The eagle-i Consortium is supported by NIH Grant #5U24RR029825-02 / Copyright 2016